Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas
Private dressmakers working in Old Havana, Cuba in May.

The Truth About Cuba’s Private Sector

Contrary to some speculation, the island continues to see a large number of entrepreneurs operating outside the umbrella of the state, the authors write.

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A New Era for U.S.-Cuba Relations, with an Old Ideological Divide

Before it even began, the 7th triennial Summit of the Americas was considered a success by many, based simply on the invitation list. Cuba, attending for the first time, did not disappoint as the star of the show. On day one of the Summit, Presidents Raúl Castro and Barack Obama gave us the historic handshake … Read more


The Other Side of Cuba’s Prisoner Release

The announcement by Havana that it would release five political prisoners “who would travel to Spain with their families,” and another 47 during the next three or four months, has been credited to efforts by Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Ángel Moratinos and Cuba’s archbishop, Cardinal Jaime Ortega. But neither Cardinal Ortega, nor Minister Moratinos would … Read more

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