Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

Past Issues:

What the U.S. Election Means for Latin America
Volume 18, Issue 3, 2024

AQ invited former foreign policy officials from the Trump and Biden administrations to offer their analysis of what another term for their former boss might look like.

Latin America's Ports
Latin America’s Ports
Volume 18, Issue 2, 2024

Ports are ground zero for many of the region’s toughest challenges. The opportunties and risks hidden among docks and cranes may make or break the decade ahead.

Latin America’s Election Super-Cycle
Volume 18, Issue 1, 2024

Presidential elections in six Latin American countries will make history, test institutions and signal meaningful new trends in the region’s politics.

A (Relatively) Bullish Case for Latin America
Volume 17, Issue 4, 2023

After a tough decade, a cautious optimism has returned to parts of Latin America. Our new issue explores where the opportunities are.

Volume 17, Issue 3, 2023

Latin America is among the world’s most vulnerable regions to cyberattacks. Our new issue explores why, and what can be done to improve security.

What Lula Means for Latin America
Volume 17, Issue 2, 2023

What does President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s return mean for Latin America and its role on the world stage? Our new issue explores the consequences for climate change, trade, the China-U.S. competition and more.

The cover of Americas Quarterly's issue on Uruguay.
The Uruguay Issue
Volume 17, Issue 1, 2023

Albeit imperfect, Uruguay consistently outranks its peers in Latin America when it comes to the quality of its democracy and policy choices. Could others replicate its reality?

Millennials in Politics cover shows young politicians from Latin America
Millennials in Politics
Volume 16, Issue 4, 2022

The next generation of politicians is already here. Two millennial presidents and scores of legislators, mayors and governors are showing that the change of the guard has already started. What will this new generation bring to the table?

The cover of the Supply Chains issue of Americas Quarterly, featuring a shipping container stamped with "Made in the Americas" to evoke challenges and opportunities of shifting international trade.
Supply Chains
Volume 16, Issue 3, 2022

Global supply chains are shifting. How can Latin America seize the opportunity?

Summit of the Americas
Volume 16, Issue 2, 2022

Leaders from across the hemisphere will meet in California in June. Which common challenges will be on the agenda? Which ones should be?

The COVID Generation
Volume 16, Issue 1, 2022

Latin American schools were closed during the pandemic for longer than any other region. Now the future of a generation depends on whether countries can get past educational setbacks.

The Battle Over Fake News
Volume 15, Issue 4, 2021

Fake news is spreading faster than fact-checkers can handle. Social media has elevated a longstanding problem to a scale that threatens to unravel Latin America’s democracies.

Mayors Leading the Recovery
Volume 15, Issue 3, 2021

As the pandemic spread, in many places local leadership offered a refuge from polarized national politics.

The Case for Sustainable Development In The Amazon
Volume 15, Issue 2, 2021

A special report on new initiatives to bring sustainable economic development to the Amazon region and the 35 million people who live there – without resorting to deforestation.

Organized Crime in Times of COVID
Volume 15, Issue 1, 2021

With Latin American governments distracted by the pandemic, transnational crime groups have continued to thrive. What can be done?


Closing the Gender Gap
Volume 14, Issue 4, 2020

AQ takes an in-depth look at how Latin America can get the quest for gender equality on track.


5 Big Ideas for a Post-COVID Latin America
Volume 14, Issue 3, 2020

The region had already been experiencing stagnant growth, rising inequality and a new anti-democratic wave. Now is the time for bold – even radical – thinking.

The Migration Issue
Volume 14, Issue 2, 2020

COVID-19 adds new urgency – and complexity – to Latin America’s unprecedented migration challenge.

Latin America’s 21st-Century Militaries
Volume 14, Issue 1, 2020

A special report on Latin America’s armed forces – why they’re ascendant again, what they really want, and what it means for democracies.

The Politics of Water
Volume 13, Issue 4, 2019

As freshwater consumption grows and the climate changes, governments, communities and corporations are facing increased pressure to act. AQ takes an in-depth look at water governance in Latin America.

Falling Apart?
Volume 13, Issue 3, 2019

Latin America’s anti-corruption drive is losing momentum. Saving it will require courage, smart reforms – and honesty about its problems.

China-Latin America 2.0
Volume 13, Issue 2, 2019

The region’s biggest story of the decade, China’s increasing footprint in Latin America, may also be the most misunderstood. 

Piracy in Latin America
Volume 13, Issue 1, 2019

Latin America’s tolerance for intellectual property theft not only leads to economic losses, it also finances organized crime. 

Urban Visionaries
Volume 12, Issue 4, 2018

Fixing urban problems requires more than good policy, strong management and sufficient financing: It takes politicians, activists and entrepreneurs with vision and courage. 

Reducing Homicides
Volume 12, Issue 3, 2018

What Latin America’s new leaders – and the private sector – should do to reduce homicide.

Rebuilding Venezuela
Volume 12, Issue 2, 2018

The task – if and when it comes – will be enormous. A profile of 10 people whose talents will be key to resolving Latin America’s most urgent crisis. 

Latin America First?
Volume 11, Issue 1, 2018

Nationalist, anti-establishment candidates are soaring ahead of 2018 elections. Why? A special report.

Colombia’s Challenge
Volume 11, Issue 4, 2017

Making peace was historic. But for the accord to endure, Colombia now needs to extend infrastructure and opportunity to all.

Latin American Youth
Volume 11, Issue 3, 2017

Latin Americans coming of age today have more opportunities – and higher aspirations – than their parents. But many of the old hurdles remain.

Indivisible: A Special Issue on the U.S. and Mexico
Volume 11, Issue 2, 2017

The U.S. and Mexico are linked by a tangled web of history, culture and commerce. The relationship will survive even its current test.

Young Entrepreneurs
Volume 11, Issue 1, 2017

Creating young entrepreneurs is the best way to jump-start Latin America’s economies. A special report on how to do it.

Fixing Brazil
Volume 10, Issue 4, 2016

Progress is possible, but not inevitable. A 50-page special report on fixing Brazil.

Memos to the Next President
Memos to the Next President
Volume 10, Issue 3, 2016

What would you tell the next president of the United States about Latin America? A new agenda for the Hemisphere.

Central America
Which Future for Central America?
Volume 10, Issue 2, 2016

A special report on security and development in the Northern Triangle.

Corruption Busters
Corruption Busters
Volume 10, Issue 1, 2016

Behind Latin America’s historic crackdown.

The Amazon Today
The Amazon Today

Balancing conservation and economic growth in the world’s largest rain forest.

Trade is Back!
Trade Is Back!
Summer 2015

How the renewed focus on trade could lift all boats.

Americas Quarterly, technology, Technology in the Americas
Technology in Latin America
Spring 2015

Can you hear us now? A hemisphere wired for change.

The Decline of U.S. Power?
Winter 2015

Will the end of U.S. hegemony in the hemisphere bring harmony or discord?

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Cuba and Colombia
Fall 2014

Are political change and peace finally at hand?

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Higher Education and Competitiveness
Summer 2014

How can universities prepare students for the global economy?

Consulta Previa and Investment
Spring 2014

The perils and promise of consulta previa.

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Our Cities, Our Future
Winter 2014

Making cities healthy, green and sustainable.

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Media in the Americas: Threats to Free Speech
Fall 2013

Crime, violence, media monopolies, and state intimidation.

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Energy in the Americas
Summer 2013

What is the hemisphere’s energy future?

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Latin America Goes Global
Spring 2013

From diplomacy to business to pop culture, the ways the region is changing the world.

Winter 2013 Cover FINAL
Natural Resource Extraction in Latin America
Winter 2013

An inside look at the best and worst practices in natural resource extraction.

Latin America’s Real Middle Class
Fall 2012

Who are Latin America’s new middle classes and what effect will they have on politics, economics and business?

Gender Equality: Political Backrooms, Corporate Boardrooms and Classrooms
Summer 2012

How far has the region progressed in women’s rights and gender equality?

Social Inclusion
Spring 2012

The term of social inclusion has become the buzz word for development. What is it, and how is the region faring?

China’s Global Rise: Implications for the Americas
Winter 2012

Growing ties between China and Latin America have boosted economies, shifted political dynamics and altered relations between the United States and Latin America. How do Beijing’s development, trade and geopolitical goals intersect with regional development and politics?

Impact Investing: Profit Meets Purpose
Fall 2011

Is the development trend du jour, impact investment, the Next Big Thing? Plus, Chinese mining investment, education reform, security, President Juan Manuel Santos, and more.

Sports: Business, Integration and Social Change
Summer 2011

More than a pastime, sports play a multidimensional role in the region.

The New Brazil and the Changing Hemisphere
Spring 2011

It’s time to rethink how both obvious and subtle changes are making the region more diverse, its future more unpredictable and policy challenges more complex.

Free Trade and Market Access
Winter 2011

Who benefits from trade, and when does access to domestic and world markets reduce poverty and inequality?

Fall 2010

Policy challenges for social mobility, development and reducing crime.

Health Care
Summer 2010

Broadening access to health care is one of the hemisphere’s biggest challenges. Governments, civil society and business are now moving in innovative ways to address it.

Trafficking and Transnational Crime
Spring 2010

Drug cartels undermine the region’s democracies, weaken the media and corrupt our youth. How can we beat them?

Voices from the New Generation
Winter 2010

They represent our future. What are they thinking?

The Environment
Fall 2009

Whatever the outcome of the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, the hemisphere needs to set its own priorities. And quickly.

Human Rights
Summer 2009

In the half-century since the founding of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, much has been achieved. But new and serious challenges await.

The Economic Crisis: What is Next?
Spring 2009

The global economic crisis has sent shock waves rippling through the region, but it’s also proved that sound fiscal and monetary policies can help governments ride out the worst of the storm.

Connectivity and the Digital Divide
Winter 2009

Will the IT economy deepen the division between the haves and have nots? Here’s how to avoid it. Plus, the regional implications of the financial crisis and expectations for President Obama across the Americas.

Where is Latin America Heading?
Spring 2007

A new generation takes power. Can it come to grips with the region’s old problems?

Social Mobility: Innovations and Constraints
Spring 2008

Latin America’s challenges of systemic poverty, high inequality and social mobility.

Coping with (In)Security
Fall 2007

Crime has been on the rise in the region, affecting investment, politics and security, and drawing militaries into the mix. Now, communities, businesses, governments, and regional institutions are pushing back.

Memos to the President Elect
FALL 2008

31 essays: The hemisphere’s political, social and economic leaders on future U.S. policy.

Our Immigrant Hemisphere
Summer 2008

In the U.S., immigration has become a political fault line. But we often overlook that immigration and migration are a shared experience throughout our hemisphere.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Investing in social development, protecting the environment and improving labor standards have become the rage in business and academic circles. But can corporate social responsibility save the world?

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