Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

Endnotes: Protest U

Below are the endnotes from “Protest U” by Indira Palacios-Valladares (Summer 2014 AQ.)

  1. Adimark, “Evaluación de gobierno: estudios 2011,” 2013 <http://www.adimark.cl/es/estudios/archivo.asp?prd=2011&tip=1>.
  2. UNESCO, The State of Education in Latin America and the Caribbean: Towards a Quality Education for All – 2015 (OREALC/UNESCO Santiago, 2013) <http://www.unesco.org/new/fileadmin/MULTIMEDIA/FIELD/Santiago/pdf/state-of-education-in-LAC-towards-2015.pdf>, 123.
  3. El Banco Mundial, Informe programa de crédito con aval del estado de Chile: Análisis y evaluación, Informe (2011) <http://www.unesco.org/new/fileadmin/MULTIMEDIA/FIELD/Santiago/pdf/state-of-education-in-LAC-towards-2015.pdf>, 12, 49.; Ministerio de Educación. Informe Fondo Solidario de Crédito Universitario 1994-2010, (Santiago, Chile, 2010).
  4. Mauricio Morales Quiroga. “Identificación Partidaria y Crisis de Representación. América Latina en Perspectiva Comparada.” Revista de Ciencias Sociales 17 (4) (Oct-Dec 2011): 583-597.
  5. (OECD and World Bank 2009: 81)
  6. Joan Dassin, “Promoting Inclusiveness in Higher Education in Latin America: A Policy Response,” IIE Networker (Fall 2009) <http://ilas.columbia.edu/images/uploads/Joan%20Dassin%20-%20Promoting%20Inclusiveness%20in%20Higher%20Education%20in%20Latin%20America%20-%20A%20Policy%20Response.pdf>.
  7. “Reglamento General de Pagos” Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México: Dirección General de Administración Escolar, 2009 <https://www.dgae.unam.mx/normativ/legislacion/regepago.html>.
  8. Ann Mische, ” ‘Come to the streets, but without parties’: The challenges of the new Brazilian protests,” Mobilizing Ideas, September 4, 2013 <http://mobilizingideas.wordpress.com/2013/09/04/come-to-the-streets-but-without-parties-the-challenges-of-the-new-brazilian-protests/>.
  9. “Dilma Rousseff – Brazilian president’s speech after the protests across the country,” video clip, Youtube, <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mic0AYK8F-c>.
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