The Digital Integrator
"If we are able to influence public opinion through media outlets we will be able to overcome the black community's traditional lack of political voice."
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The Third Man
"We have an opportunity to create a different Argentina, in which democracy is not merely an abstract concept, but a concrete option."
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The Pragmatist
"As long as young political leaders committed to the ideals of democracy, freedom and equal access to opportunities remain on the sidelines, we'll never progress."
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The Techie
"With innovation, developing countries can find new ways to compete. But getting there requires improving citizens' access to information."
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The Activist Politician
"We came to Washington not to see how long we could stay, but to see if we could succeed where previous generations had failed."
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The Unifier
"My personal, family and community experience with discrimination taught me that we cannot repeat history."
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The Blogger
"There are some young people who call themselves revolutionaries, but they do it in contrast to the Cuban revolution, which they claim is no longer revolutionary but instead simply represents the status quo."
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The Volunteers
"Young people's interest in advancing social change arises out of volunteer action, not political militancy."
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The Civilian Defenders
“The lack of participation in defense and security discussions by today’s students reflects the prejudices of their upbringing.”
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The Meritocrat
"Quality education is the basis of a society with real opportunities."
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The Returned Exile
"Many of Nicaragua's more talented and better educated youth are avoiding political parties."
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The Reconciliators
"We desire neither Bolivarian socialism with totalitarian tendencies nor a revival of the old corruption-tinged democracy."
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The Awakener
"Indigenous women, for both cultural and social reasons, are alienated from the larger society."
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The Advocate
"As youth, we have been doing what we can to design the society we want to live in.”
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The New Institutionalists
"Latin America has struggled to create both social consensus for change and the cooperation necessary to achieve it."
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The Rookie
“We need elected officials introducing good legislation, raising the level of debate and speaking the truth.”
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The Debaters
“Education is the key to breaking out of rough Chicago neighborhoods, but we don’t think the public schools are cutting it.”
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The Municipal Reformers
"Precisely because our movement transcends borders, and because of our age, we feel that together we can change our hemisphere."
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The Networkers
"It is often the small, unnoticed citizen causes that prove the Internet's power as a catalyst for social change."
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The Restitution Seeker
“It is time not to generate a sense of social responsibility among those who are rich and powerful in our country.”
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The Green Activist
“Unlike our predecessors, our global connections have provided us with new opportunities to effect change.”
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The Coalition Builders
“Unless we can improve our political structures, we will be unable to address poverty, unemployment, social inequality, health, violence, and insecurity.”
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The Outside Majority
"We need politics that take advantage of youth's potential, not the system we have now that is unconcerned with our people's aspirations for human dignity."
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The Explorer
"New innovations in contextual search, real-time and location-based personalization and overall cloud technologies enable us to do more with less, and faster."
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The Successor
"Memory is the key to avoiding the disasters and bloodshed of the past."
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