How to Understand Brazil’s Stance on Venezuela’s Election
Lula’s policy is an attempt to exert influence over Brazil’s neighbor, but the recent past suggests this may have limited effect.

Lula’s Unforced Errors Are Taking a Toll on the World’s Goodwill
Brazil’s president has restored his country’s international reputation, but his provocative gestures are bedeviling progress on his top goals.

O Brasil parece estar quase de volta ao normal
Após o caos de janeiro, a política e a economia parecem ter retomado estabilidade, escreve o editor-chefe da AQ.

Brasil vuelve a sentirse casi normal
Tras el caos de enero, la economía y la política brasileñas parecen haber recuperado una base más sólida, escribe el editor jefe de AQ.

Lula’s Fraught South America Summit
Brazil’s effort to restart regional dialogue is good news. The challenge will be to keep it going once the second pink tide starts to ebb.