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This Week in Brazil Podcast: Brazil’s ‘Que Se Vayan Todos’ Moment

Reading Time: < 1 minuteAQ’s editor-in-chief on the lack of options for Brazil as it considers a post-Dilma future.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Paula Daneze

Reading Time: < 1 minute

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Is Brazil facing a “lost decade” from dual political and economic crises? AQ’s editor-in-chief Brian Winter answers this question in the latest episode of AQ’s new podcast, This Week in Brazil.

After a reporting trip to Brazil this past week, Winter concluded that if there’s popular consensus on anything in Brazil right now, it’s that “nobody currently on the political stage is competent or clean enough to address the enormous crises facing the country.” In a discussion with special correspondent Stephen Kurczy, Winter dissects how that leadership vacuum is impacting the economy, middle class and security situation in Rio de Janeiro as the city prepares to host the 2016 Summer Olympics.

Subscribe to This Week in Brazil to stay updated on Latin America’s largest country. In the coming weeks and months, AQ’s editor-in-chief will be interviewing Brazilian politicians, government officials, analysts and other insiders to discuss issues from the impeachment proceedings to the Olympics development.


Tags: Brazil, podcast, This Week in Brazil
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