Extreme Sustainable City Makeover: New York
How to make a city self-sufficient, neighborhood by neighborhood.
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National to City, Diagnosis to Funding
The IDB tackles climate change at the municipal level.
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From “Make-Sicko” back to Mexico City: The Greening of Mexico’s Distrito Federal
A former mayor chronicles the greening of Mexico's Distrito Federal.
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A Tale of Two Cities: Bogotá
Has corruption undermined one of the region's leaders in sustainability and the benefits the policies have brought to the city's poor?
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A Tale of Two Cities: Curitiba
Brazil's (and the region's) leader in sustainability is making new strides, but some of the city's first successes are under strain.
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How Do We Make Sustainable Cities Sustainable Policies?
Can green policies survive across municipal administrations?
Rethinking Buildings
A different way to look at resource and waste management.
Safe Streets, Safe Cities
Across Latin America, military-led anticrime strategies are losing ground to newer concepts such as community policing.
NAFTA @20: Where We Go From Here
The North American Free Trade Agreement created more jobs for Mexicans, but it was only a start.
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NAFTA @20: The Perils of Partisanship
North Americans now overwhelmingly support NAFTA, so why can't their governments move toward further integration?
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NAFTA@20: A Bittersweet Celebration
After taking a beating from China, Mexico's exports are beginning to compete.
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Inroads or Detours in the Drug Debate?
Decriminalization or depenalization will do nothing to halt drug-related violence.
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Ask the Experts: Sustainable Cities
How can sustainable cities serve the working poor?
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Sustainability? Yeah, We've Got a Lot of Apps for That
Cool apps for the environmentally aware (and socially responsible) city dweller. -
What Cities Are Doing What
From reducing carbon emissions to improving governance, the cities in our hemisphere that are doing it best.