Why Was Argentina’s 2001 Default So Contentious?
A new book retraces the 15 years of grueling litigation that followed but doesn’t emphasize the contractual changes it provoked.

What’s Ahead for Alberto Fernández’s Last Year in Office?
With hopes pinned on a new economy minister, several factors could disrupt the country’s fragile stability.

Can Anyone Stop Argentina’s Great Unraveling?
A workable solution must address the country’s dense web of special privileges.

Letter to the Editor: A Novel Idea for Argentina & the IMF
Using IMF “surcharges” to fund environmental protection projects could help ensure a lasting deal, the authors write.

Argentina and the IMF: A Never Ending Story
A recent agreement with the lender does little to solve underlying problems.

Máximo Kirchner’s Big Gamble
The Argentine politician’s dissent from the government over an IMF deal deepens divisions within the ruling coalition.

Argentina and the IMF: Another Default in the Works?
A different outcome may still be possible, a leading emerging-market economist writes.

The Complex Task of Reviving Multilaterals in Latin America
A renaissance in regional cooperation will have to start small – and skirt polarization.

A difícil tarefa à frente para instituições multilaterais na América Latina
O renascimento da cooperação regional requer passos lentos — e distância da polarização.

La compleja tarea de revitalizar las relaciones multilaterales en América Latina
El renacimiento de la cooperación regional tendrá que ser paulatina —y evitar la polarización.

Don’t Expect Miracles From the Multilaterals
Latin American and Caribbean economies need help, but organizations like the IDB are also stretched thin.

Argentina Can Stop Its March Toward Default
There is nothing inevitable about Argentina’s looming default, writes a longtime emerging-markets economist.

Argentina and the IMF
Last Friday, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Board of Governors voted to censure Argentina for failing to revise its widely-disputed inflation data. Censure by the IMF is historic for a G20 member—having never occurred previously—and will likely harm Argentina’s already-limited access to foreign capital. If Argentina does not provide new inflation data and implement “remedial … Read more