Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

Silicon Valley 2.0

Not too long ago, in a city known for its sunshine and surrounding mountains, a team of young developers submitted their newest creation to Apple’s app store. It was called Typic. Beautiful in its simplicity, it offered a means of artistically embedding text in a photo, along with various filters and other options. After the … Read more

Andrés Levin, Yerba Buena, Music


Some of our hemisphere’s emerging leaders in politics, business, civil society, and the arts.


Mil maneras de ¨hackear” el Congreso

La pregunta que el cofundador y director de Personal Democracy Media, Micah L. Sifry, se hizo en su libro, “The Big Disconnect: Why the Internet Hasn’t Transformed Politics (Yet)” (“La gran desconexión: Por qué Internet no ha transformado la política (aún)”), ocupa desde hace años la mente de activistas, politólogos, hackers, periodistas y todos aquellos … Read more


Why Our Businesses Need Executive Action on Immigration

Over the past week, politicians have argued about whether or not President Barack Obama should take administrative action to protected undocumented immigrants and their families. But for small business owners like me, the case is clear: the president should act quickly and boldly. I’m the proud, tax-paying owner of Latina Beauty Variedades, a clothing and … Read more


Constructing Peace: How the Private Sector Can Help

Colombia finds itself at a watershed in the country’s history. With the possible end to over half a century of violence, a new peaceful future beckons. But Colombia’s much-desired peace will not just fall from the sky. It will have to be built by all Colombians through an arduous, perhaps decades-long process. We have come … Read more


Why Entrepreneurship Matters in Cuba

For almost two decades, I have watched entrepreneurship explode across Latin America and the Caribbean, empowering citizens, transforming economies and changing lives. In sectors ranging from restaurants and small manufacturing to high tech, entrepreneurs are changing the economic and social landscape of the region. Perhaps most important, they are also generating jobs. Across the region, … Read more


Cuba’s New Business Class

A palpable energy is reinvigorating the once-stagnant Cuban economy. Entrepreneurial businesses—spanning all sectors and industries—are springing up across the island. Walking through the streets of Havana, Santa Clara or Camagüey, it’s hard not to trip over construction sites for private restaurants, or see the storefronts offering manicures, haircuts, cell phone repairs, or colorful artwork. View … Read more


Hedgefund Education

In both the U.S. and Latin America, the forces of technology and entrepreneurship are on the cusp of fundamentally reshaping the higher education sector.  Increased demand and the changing nature of the labor market have led to new players and new models entering the higher ed market. The combination of sustained economic growth, a region-wide … Read more


MOOCs in Development: Fad or Future?

Those following tech and continuing education news have been surprised by the rising popularity of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).1 The basic promise for professionals in Latin America and the Caribbean is quite alluring: free online access to a world-class knowledge base. But questions remain. Will this new learning methodology last, or fade quickly once … Read more


Business Innovator: Lisa Besserman

Lisa Besserman could be at home anywhere in the world; but last year, the Queens, New York, native put down roots in Argentina to launch Startup Buenos Aires, to motivate, support and connect startups across the globe. The 29-year-old tech entrepreneur, named one of the “100 Most Influential Tech Women on Twitter” by Business Insider … Read more

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Higher Education and Competitiveness

Articles: The Future of Latin American Studies by Charles Hale The prospects have never been better. Full text available. published article?1 Protest U. by Indira Palacios-Valladares Latin America’s students are angry—and getting angrier. Student Debt in the Americas by Carolina Ramírez A threat to the region’s middle class? Full text available. Academic Brain Drain by … Read more


Business Innovator: Marco Perlman

Brazilian entrepreneur Marco Perlman profited twice from his country’s recent decade of sustained economic growth: first as a successful venture capital investor, and then as a risk-taker who turned a longtime hobby—photography—into a transformative eco-enterprise. A self-professed “technology freak,” Perlman, 40, founded the Brazilian digital photo products and services company Digipix in 2004. At the … Read more


Cuba: Port Upgrades and Free-Trade Zones

When Latin American and Caribbean heads of state gather in Cuba in January 2014 for the Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (Community of Latin American and Caribbean States— CELAC) summit, the agenda will include a side trip to Mariel Bay. There, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff and Cuban President Raúl Castro will cut the ribbon … Read more

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Business Innovator: Ruth DeGolia, United States

View a video interview with Ruth DeGolia below. Ruth DeGolia, 31, is living proof that an idealistic college student can make a difference. As founder and executive director of Mercado Global, a Brooklyn, New York–based nonprofit now in its ninth year, DeGolia and her team have earned the respect of both businesses and philanthropic organizations … Read more

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