The AI Revolution Is Coming for Latin America. Is It Ready?
The region needs a regional strategy to bolster the technology’s positive effects and combat its use by bad actors, write two experts.

The Dramatic Cyberattack That Put Latin America on Alert
The region is the world’s most vulnerable to cyberattacks—and essential state services aren’t safe. What can be done?

Ciberseguridad: La próxima frontera de la competencia entre Estados Unidos y China en las Américas
Estados Unidos puede hacer más para proteger a América Latina y el Caribe de las amenazas cibernéticas y garantizar que siga siendo un socio privilegiado.

El dramático ciberataque que puso a América Latina en alerta
La región es la más vulnerable del mundo ante los ciberataques, y los servicios esenciales del Estado no están a salvo. ¿Qué se puede hacer?

Cibersegurança: A nova fronteira da competição entre China e EUA
Os EUA podem contribuir mais para proteger a América Latina e o Caribe de ameaças cibernéticas—e dessa forma garantir que seguirá como parceiro preferencial.

Cybersecurity: The Next Frontier of U.S.-China Competition in the Americas
The U.S. can do more to shield Latin America and the Caribbean from cyber threats—and ensure it remains a preferred partner.

O dramático ataque cibernético que colocou a América Latina em alerta
A região é a mais vulnerável a ataques cibernéticos—e serviços essenciais não estão seguros. O que pode ser feito?

Susan Segal: Latin America’s Cyber Issues Need Attention from the Top
Bottom-up approaches won’t be enough to solve cybervulnerability challenges quickly, writes AS/COA’s CEO.

Misinformation Is Threatening Brazil’s Elections, Too
Municipal campaigns are awash with misleading propaganda, in a warning sign for the rest of the region.

The “Laboratory” Closing Latin America’s Tech Gender Divide
Organizations like Laboratoria are helping working-class women join the insular world of computer programming.

El “laboratorio” cerrando la brecha de género en el ámbito tech de América Latina
Organizaciones como Laboratoria están ayudando a que mujeres de clase trabajadora puedan integrarse al mundo insular de la programación.

Latin American Congresses Could Become Irrelevant – Unless They Adapt
The pandemic is exposing how legislative powers in the region are outdated and poorly prepared for the 21st century.

A Pivotal Moment for Education in Latin America
Losing the school year would exacerbate inequality. We must turn this into an opportunity to implement new ideas.

How Transparency Can Save Lives in the Coronavirus Crisis
The pandemic has created opportunities for fraud and corruption. Technology offers the best medicine.

Allende’s Strange Plan to Connect Chile, Long Before the Internet
Prior to the coup, an early computer network sought to more closely monitor Chile’s economy.