China Ties Could Be a Liability for Mexico Under Trump 2.0
The country should make the best of a difficult situation by insisting on transparency.

The U.S. Counterweight in Mexico
Washington needs a viable policy that balances a stricter line to protect critical U.S. interests at a vulnerable moment.

EU’s Elections May Have Unexpected Reverberations in Latin America
The advance of the far right could impact FDI decisions and set the tone for the future of trade with the region.

Saudi Arabia Courts Latin America and the Caribbean
Next week’s Saudi-run summit in Rio is the latest step in the Gulf nation’s increased engagement with the region.

Por que os EUA e a China estão de olho no porto mais remoto do Chile
Punta Arenas se tornou relevante em meio às mudanças nas rotas marítimas, novas indústrias como o hidrogênio verde e a corrida pela Antártica. Os EUA e a China estão prestando atenção.

NEW AQ: Ports Are Latin America’s New Geopolitical Hotspot
From organized crime in Guayaquil to climate change in Panama and nearshoring in Veracruz, seaports are now at the junction of several pressing issues.

¿Por qué Estados Unidos y China se agolpan sobre un puerto en el sur de Chile?
Punta Arenas se encuentra en la intersección de rutas marítimas cambiantes, nuevas industrias como el hidrógeno verde y la carrera por la Antártida. Estados Unidos y China lo han notado.

Why the U.S. and China Suddenly Care About a Port in Southern Chile
Punta Arenas is at the intersection of changing shipping routes, new industries like green hydrogen, and the race for Antarctica. The U.S. and China have noticed.

A Balancing Act for Brazil’s Foreign Policy
What seems like a contradictory agenda for 2024 reflects the country’s deeper priorities, writes a Brazilian expert.

AQ Podcast | Nearshoring In The Americas: Hype And Reality
Shannon K. O’Neil on how Latin America is faring amidst big changes in the global economy

A Ticking Clock for Latin America’s Nearshoring Opportunity
The window is still open for the region to benefit from the supply chain reshuffle—but not for much longer.

China’s Evolving Presence in Latin America
As Chinese loans drop off, policymakers in the region must consider how other pillars of the economic relationship have remained steady.

How to Harness Shifting Supply Chains? Four Experts Explain
Leading voices from Latin America’s public and private sector look at strategies for the current moment.

Why Argentina’s Export Boom Is Falling Short
Government policy, macroeconomic trouble and political crisis are holding the country back.

AQ Podcast: Luis Alberto Moreno on Colombia’s Elections and Latin America’s Upside
Venture capital and a technology boom could help offset political uncertainty, the former IDB chief says.