Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas


Brazil’s “Other” Election – and Why It’s So Important

History might be different if congressional elections received more attention.


Lula’s NYT Op-Ed: A “Corrected Version”

What a more honest column for the New York Times by Brazil’s former president might have looked like.


AMLO Update: The Opposition Rediscovers Its Voice

Elected officials are beginning to push back on AMLO’s plans to revamp government. 


AMLO This Week: Education, Peace Forums and Economic Headwinds

A running series on Mexico’s next president.

Web Exclusive

Ataques contra activistas indígenas de Ecuador: ¿Va a protegerlos el gobierno?

La protección de los grupos indígenas debe de ser una prioridad, dice la directora para las Américas de Amnistía Internacional.

Energy & Environment

Ecuador’s Indigenous Activists Are Under Attack. Will the Government Protect Them?

President Lenín Moreno should make protecting indigenous groups a priority, says Amnesty International’s Americas director.

Transparency & Corruption

An Argentine Lava Jato? Don’t Hold Your Breath.

There are reasons to believe that Argentina’s “notebooks scandal” will not be as far-reaching as its Brazilian counterpart.

Web Exclusive

Desafortunadamente, otros en América Latina seguirán los pasos de Nicaragua

Read in English El año pasado realicé un viaje investigativo a Centroamérica y Nicaragua resultó ser la parada más fácil de mi travesía. A diferencia de Honduras o El Salvador donde se requiere de una planificación cuidadosa debido a la situación de inseguridad abismal, Nicaragua se encontraba entre los países más seguros de América Latina, … Read more

Foreign Policy

Unfortunately, Others Will Follow Nicaragua’s Path in Latin America

Nicaragua’s explosion into conflict was predictable – and reflects trends common in the region.

AQ Events

EVENT: How to Reduce Homicide in Mexico – Lessons from around Latin America

After a record 29,000 murders in 2017, President-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador has a historic opportunity to reduce violence in Mexico when he takes office in December. How best to do it? Experiences elsewhere in Latin America show progress is possible, and that the private sector and civil society must also play a role. Join Americas … Read more

Elections 2018

An Heir to Brazil’s Monarchy Enters the Political Ring

Luiz Philippe de Orléans e Bragança, an heir to Brazil’s last emperor, is running for Congress – and could even be a VP pick.


AMLO This Week: Love Letters, Court Dates and Oil Blocs

A running series on Mexico’s next president.

Web Exclusive

“Es como un milagro”: El experimento para reducir homicidios en Colombia

Un innovador y novedoso programa identifica a víctimas potenciales del asesinato y las saca del peligro antes de que sea demasiado tarde.

Elections 2018

It’s a Lula Election in Brazil. Again.

The imprisoned former president will be center stage in the Oct. 7 election – even if he’s not a candidate.


Who’s Left to Oppose Venezuela’s Maduro?

Threats to Nicolás Maduro’s hold on power look more likely to come from within chavismo than from without.

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