Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

AQ Top 5 Latin American Academics: Agustín Lage

See the rest of the AQ Top 5 When the world’s first therapeutic lung cancer vaccine was announced in 2011, it may have appeared to come from one of the least likely places: Cuba, whose access to investment and goods has been restricted by more than a half-century of harsh U.S. sanctions. But to anyone … Read more

artur avila

AQ Top 5 Latin American Academics: Artur Avila

See the rest of the AQ Top 5 “I can’t talk right now” Brazilian mathematician Artur Avila murmured into the phone. “I’m in Brasília to carry the Olympic torch.” When AQ contacted him the next day, he warned the conversation would have to be short because he was running late for the screening of a … Read more


Collaborate with Mexico in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

In the new issue of Americas Quarterly, we asked people, “What would you tell the next U.S. president about Latin America?” To see other authors’ responses, click here. Leer en español Dear Mister / Madam President, Trade and U.S.-Mexico relations have been singled out as targets in this year’s election campaign, but the rhetoric overlooks … Read more


Support “Silicon Valley Diplomacy” in Latin America

Leer en español In the new issue of Americas Quarterly, we asked people, “What would you tell the next U.S. president about Latin America?” To see other authors’ responses, click here. Dear Mister / Madam President, World leaders regularly travel to Washington, New York City, Houston — but no visit is more coveted or anticipated … Read more

Zika Mosquitos

Venezuela’s Zika Outbreak May Be 150 Times Worse Than Reported, Study Says

When it comes to the Zika virus’ impact on Venezuela, it’s the government’s word versus Google and Twitter. Based on data gathered in part from the search engine and social network, the watchdog health group Observatorio Venezolano de la Salud (OVS) estimates that nearly 700,000 people have been infected with Zika in Venezuela. That’s around 150 … Read more

Killer Apps

Four Great Corruption-Killing Apps

CandiDatos CandiDatos.gt is a Guatemalan platform that profiles political candidates, helps register voters, and fights corruption by enforcing transparency. When citizens contact candidates through the website, the responses are tracked and ranked. A 10-question survey enables voters to identify the candidate who most coincides with their ideas, helping them to make informed choices. To date, … Read more

digital privacy

Privacy Is a Human Right: Data Retention Violates That Right

In March 2015, the United Nations Human Rights Council endorsed the creation of a special rapporteur on privacy. The landmark resolution1, spearheaded by Brazil and Germany and cosponsored by 46 states, including 10 other Latin American countries, gives the right to privacy the international recognition and protection it deserves. For Latin America, this resolution couldn’t … Read more

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