Quatro tendências que definirão a América Latina em 2025
Do retorno de Donald Trump ao risco crescente das mudanças climáticas, o editor-chefe da AQ apresenta um panorama misto neste artigo sobre as perspectivas para a região.

Cuatro tendencias que definirán a América Latina en 2025
Desde el regreso de Donald Trump hasta el creciente riesgo del cambio climático, el editor en jefe de AQ presenta un panorama mixto en este artículo sobre las perspectivas de la región.

Four Trends That Will Define Latin America in 2025
From Donald Trump’s return to the growing risk from climate change, AQ’s editor-in-chief paints a mixed picture in this annual overview of the region.

He Cruised to Reelection. Now Luis Abinader Has Choices to Make
The Dominican Republic’s president will weigh options for broader reforms and try to maintain momentum during his second term in office.

AQ Podcast | LatAm’s Economies in 2024: What to Expect
An overview of economic trends in the region and a detailed look at Brazil, Mexico and Argentina

AQ Podcast: Is Latin America’s Lost Decade Ending?
Former Colombia finance minister Mauricio Cárdenas reviews the significance of better GDP growth for the regions’ economies.

Um cenário (relativamente) otimista para a América Latina
É certo que a política da região não anda bem. Mas mudanças na economia global e algumas tendências promissoras no mercado interno estão dando impulso a um crescimento econômico modesto, escreve o editor-chefe da AQ.

Un alegato (relativamente) optimista a favor de América Latina
Distante de las crisis globales y cerca de los mercados clave, la región tiene lo que el mundo necesita en este momento, escribe el editor en jefe de AQ.

A (Relatively) Bullish Case for Latin America
Far from global crises but near vital markets, the region has what the world needs right now, writes AQ’s editor-in-chief.

What Caused Peru’s Economic Downfall?
Social cleavages have turned politics into a fight for spoils, draining the country’s productive potential, writes a former minister of economy and finance.

Under Lula, Brazil Can Take On Regional Leadership. Will It?
A diplomatic heavy hitter is back at the helm of Latin America’s largest country—but the path to an influential international role is full of obstacles.

Con Lula, Brasil puede asumir el liderazgo regional. ¿Lo hará?
Un peso pesado de la diplomacia vuelve a dirigir el país más grande de América Latina. Pero ejercer el liderazgo regional puede resultar más difícil de lo que Lula y otros creen.

Sob o comando de Lula, o Brasil pode voltar à liderança regional. Mas será que o país assumirá esse papel?
Um grande nome da diplomacia está novamente no comando do maior país da América Latina—mas o caminho para Lula chegar a uma posição internacional de influência está repleto de obstáculos.

NEW AQ: What Lula Means for Latin America’s Role in the World
Lula’s high profile makes him a natural leader on issues like climate, although recent controversies, and domestic challenges in Brazil, may limit his regional ambitions.

Colombia’s Growth Is Slowing, Imperiling Gustavo Petro’s Agenda
This year, plans for major reforms will collide with slower growth and efforts to tame inflation.