Ecuador’s High-Stakes Elections
Anti-establishment sentiment will likely shape the February 9 vote.

Ecuador Needs a Different Approach to Fighting Organized Crime
Daniel Noboa’s government should prioritize reforms to the justice system.

Quatro tendências que definirão a América Latina em 2025
Do retorno de Donald Trump ao risco crescente das mudanças climáticas, o editor-chefe da AQ apresenta um panorama misto neste artigo sobre as perspectivas para a região.

Cuatro tendencias que definirán a América Latina en 2025
Desde el regreso de Donald Trump hasta el creciente riesgo del cambio climático, el editor en jefe de AQ presenta un panorama mixto en este artículo sobre las perspectivas de la región.

Four Trends That Will Define Latin America in 2025
From Donald Trump’s return to the growing risk from climate change, AQ’s editor-in-chief paints a mixed picture in this annual overview of the region.

In Ecuador, Mounting Challenges Threaten Noboa’s Reelection
Crime, an energy crisis, and economic stagnation may dim the president’s chances in the February 2025 contest.

Why Sheinbaum May Take a Different Path on Mexico’s Security
The new president’s experience as mayor points to an approach more rooted in enhanced intelligence, mediation, and deterrence.

Latin America’s Security Crisis Is a Political Problem, Too
Crime and politics are becoming more entangled, undermining the region’s stability, an expert writes.

Ecuador’s Crusading Attorney General Is Facing Her Toughest Challenge Yet
Diana Salazar’s investigations have taken down major figures. But a wave of drug-related violence is changing what defending the rule of law looks like.

Ecuador’s War on Drug Gangs: A Mixed Picture So Far
President Noboa has deployed more than 30,000 soldiers and policemen to contain the chaos. While homicides have fallen, kidnappings and extortion remain high.

AQ Podcast: How to Think About Latin America’s Security Crisis
An expert with firsthand knowledge discusses new crime dynamics and ways forward.

The Predatory Economy Thriving in Panama’s Darién Gap
With millions on the move, businesses and criminal groups are turning big profits with destructive consequences.

Is Mexico’s Security Policy Backfiring?
Criminal groups seem emboldened despite the militarization of security.

AQ Podcast: Crisis on Venezuela’s Border
Caracas-based analyst Phil Gunson puts an outbreak of violence into Venezuela’s political context.

Entrevista: Seguindo a pista do dinheiro
Para combater o crime organizado o caminho é a descapitalização.