NEW AQ: The Pandemic’s Big Winner? Transnational Crime
COVID-19 has been a bonanza for organized crime. Greater international coordination could ease at least some of the damage.

Conteúdo patrocinado: O que a COVID-19 revelou sobre o comércio ilícito
Há esperança de combater o comércio ilícito em 2021, mas temos de agir em conjunto.

How Transnational Crime Is Mutating in the Age of COVID-19 in Latin America
An overview of the region’s challenges, and what governments can do about them.

Contenido patrocinado: Lo que COVID-19 reveló sobre el comercio ilícito
Hay esperanza de combatir el comercio ilícito en 2021, pero tenemos que actuar juntos.

When Politics and Crime Collided in Peru
The rise and fall of a powerful governor allegedly shows the influence of criminal groups.

Q&A: Brazil’s Pioneering Fight Against Gang Money Laundering
If you want to fight organized crime, defund it.

The Threat That Cannot Be Addressed Alone
Combating organized crime in the Americas requires cooperation among the hemisphere’s countries.

Under Biden, Big Changes on Drugs and Crime Seem Unlikely
A December report could lead to some modifications of U.S. anti-drug policy, but no dramatic steps.

AMLO’s Broken Campaign Promise: Demilitarizing Mexico
Two years into his term, the president’s celebration of promises left out a big one.

El valiente esfuerzo de Luiza Trajano para combatir la violencia de género
Uno de los minoristas más grandes de Brasil lanzó un programa audaz para ayudar a víctimas – clientas y empleadas.

A corajosa luta de Luiza Trajano contra a violência doméstica
Uma das maiores redes varejistas do Brasil implementou um audacioso programa para apoiar tanto a equipe como consumidores.

Luiza Trajano’s Courageous Efforts to Fight Domestic Violence
One of Brazil’s largest retailers has launched an audacious program to help victims – both customers and employees.

The Urgent Need to Reform Colombia’s Security Policies
Another mass killing shows the need for a greater civilian role in policing.

The Backlash Against Brazil’s Politicized Military
A proposal prohibiting active-duty personnel from government positions has found some support among the armed forces.

The Flawed Legal Battle to Save Brazil’s Indigenous from COVID-19
A Supreme Court decision sounds encouraging on the surface – but will likely fail to protect indigenous peoples in practice.