Latin America Could See More Nayib Bukeles
Weak political representation and entrenched inequality is fertile ground for imitators of El Salvador’s president, writes AQ’s correspondent.

VIDEO: How Millennials Are Changing Latin American Politics
On November 2, 2022, AQ launched its latest special report about the next generation of politicians.

AQ Podcast: Is Bukele or Boric the Future of Latin American Politics?
A millennial journalist on how her generation is changing politics in the region.

NEW AQ: Is Latin America’s Millennial Generation More Authoritarian—or Democratic?
Millennials account for about a quarter of the population, and are rising into positions of power. A special report explores how they may change politics forever.

A Cuban Puppet Opera Comes to Life in Brooklyn
Pioneering modernists included the full sweep of Cuban culture in this 1934 work, now performed for the first time outside Cuba.

Nuevo en AQ: Una nueva generación toma las riendas
Los políticos millennials están asumiendo el poder en toda América Latina. ¿Serán más autoritarios que sus mayores?

The Organization Helping Young Argentines Reach for the Stars
Ignacio Peña’s Open Space puts on student competitions for space technology. Now, a winning idea is in space.

Graphic: Argentina’s Young Politicians
AQ looks at indicators measuring youth participation in politics—and profiles leading politicians age 40 and under.

Graphic: Brazil’s Young Politicians
AQ looks at indicators measuring youth participation in politics—and profiles leading politicians age 40 and under.

Graphic: Colombia’s Young Politicians
AQ looks at indicators measuring youth participation in politics—and profiles leading politicians age 40 and under.

Graphic: Guatemala’s Young Politicians
AQ looks at indicators measuring youth participation in politics—and profiles leading politicians age 40 and under.

Graphic: Mexico’s Young Politicians
AQ looks at indicators measuring youth participation in politics—and profiles leading politicians age 40 and under.

Graphic: Peru’s Young Politicians
AQ looks at indicators measuring youth participation in politics—and profiles leading politicians age 40 and under.

Graphic: Chile’s Young Politicians
AQ looks at indicators measuring youth participation in politics—and profiles leading politicians age 40 and under.

Graphic: Venezuela’s Young Politicians
AQ looks at indicators measuring youth participation in politics—and profiles leading politicians age 40 and under.