NEW AQ: The Pandemic’s Big Winner? Transnational Crime
COVID-19 has been a bonanza for organized crime. Greater international coordination could ease at least some of the damage.

Entrevista: La Pionera Lucha de Brasil Contra el Lavado de Dinero
Si quieres combatir al crimen organizado, incauta sus ganancias.

Contenido patrocinado: Lo que COVID-19 reveló sobre el comercio ilícito
Hay esperanza de combatir el comercio ilícito en 2021, pero tenemos que actuar juntos.

How Transnational Crime Is Mutating in the Age of COVID-19 in Latin America
An overview of the region’s challenges, and what governments can do about them.

Una amenaza que no puede ser abordada por separado
Combatir al crimen organizado requiere de la cooperación entre los países del hemisferio.

When Politics and Crime Collided in Peru
The rise and fall of a powerful governor allegedly shows the influence of criminal groups.

Uma ameaça que não pode ser combatida de forma isolada
O combate ao crime organizado requer cooperação entre todos os países do hemisfério.

Q&A: Brazil’s Pioneering Fight Against Gang Money Laundering
If you want to fight organized crime, defund it.

La Mutación del Crimen Organizado en la Era de COVID-19 en América Latina
Un vistazo a los retos de la región y lo que los gobiernos pueden hacer al respecto

The Threat That Cannot Be Addressed Alone
Combating organized crime in the Americas requires cooperation among the hemisphere’s countries.

Um vírus em mutação: A pandemia e o crime organizado
Como os grupos do crime organizado estão evoluindo e o que os governos podem fazer para detê-los.

Under Biden, Big Changes on Drugs and Crime Seem Unlikely
A December report could lead to some modifications of U.S. anti-drug policy, but no dramatic steps.

School’s Out in Most of Latin America. Gangs Are Thrilled.
With 97% of Latin American kids out of class, some criminal groups see a bonanza in recruitment.

Sponsored Content: What COVID-19 Revealed About Illicit Trade
There is hope for combating illicit trade in 2021, but we have to act together.