Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

Organized Crime in Times of COVID

Special Report View as PDF The Pandemic’s Big Winner? Organized Crime COVID-19 has been a bonanza for organized crime. Greater international coordination could ease at least some of the damage. School’s Out in Latin America. Gangs Are Thrilled. By JOHN OTIS With 97% of Latin American kids out of class, some criminal groups see a … Read more

Closing the Gender Gap

Special Report View as PDF How to Close Latin America’s Gender Gap by 2030 Five ideas for how Latin America can pursue the best post-COVID recovery plan possible: equality for men and women. How Banks Can Break Down Barriers for Women By ERNESTO TORRES CANTÚ Improving access to credit for women entrepreneurs can help Latin … Read more

5 Big Ideas for a Post-COVID Latin America

Special Report View as PDF 5 Big Ideas for a Post-COVID Latin America From universal health care to a revival of hemispheric trade talks, it’s time to be bold. Let’s Look Beyond GDP to Rebuild Latin America By ALICIA BÁRCENA Well-being, inequality and sustainability should be measured just as carefully as the monetary value of … Read more

The Migration Issue

Special Report The Urgent Effort to Integrate Latin America’s Migrants The pandemic only increases the need to welcome migrants with compassion. It will be hard. Class Is in Session: Inside the Brazilian Schools Welcoming Venezuelans By RICHARD LAPPER A school on the Venezuela-Brazil border offers lessons for the whole region. Colombia’s Migration Czar: The Goal Is … Read more


Latin America’s 21st-Century Militaries

Special Report Latin America’s 21st-Century Militaries In many countries, soldiers are again playing a prominent role in politics, security and the economy. Is this a restoration – or something entirely new? It’s Not the 1970s Again for Latin America’s Militaries. Here’s Why. By FRANK O. MORA and BRIAN FONSECA They’re back – but militaries have … Read more


The Politics of Water

Special Report Latin America’s Invisible Crisis Droughts and other water-related challenges pose a rising threat to millions of Latin Americans. But some governments and companies are pointing the way forward. Medellín’s Other Success Story: How the City Cleaned Up Its Water By SETH KUGEL Inside the dramatic turnaround that made Colombia’s second city a model … Read more


Falling Apart?

The Crackdown Continues Is Latin America’s Corruption Crackdown Falling Apart? Saving it will require courage, smart reforms – and honesty about its problems. A new issue of AQ explores why. What Latin America’s “Corruption Busters” Got Right – and Wrong By BRIAN WINTERAn overview of the popular but struggling movement, and ideas on how to … Read more


China-Latin America 2.0

China-Latin America 2.0 What the Next Phase Will Look Like  Many Latin Americans are delighted by China’s growing presence – and largesse. But there is a clear need for change. Bolsonaro Took Aim at China. Then Reality Struck. By RICHARD LAPPERBrazil’s Jair Bolsonaro talked tough on China during his campaign, but his tone has changed … Read more


Piracy in Latin America

Special Report How to Stop Piracy – and Protect Latin America’s Geniuses Piracy and counterfeiting make life miserable for the region’s creative workers. They deserve better.  The Insidious Device Revolutionizing Piracy in Latin America By JONATHAN FRANKLINA little black box spells mayhem for the entertainment industry. Smuggled from China, it makes stealing content as easy as … Read more


Urban Visionaries

Special Report Introducing Latin America’s Top 5 “Urban Visionaries” How to make cities better? In this new issue of AQ, an inspiring group of Latin Americans shows why collaboration is just as important (really!) as money. AQ Top 5: Aline Cavalcante By MANUELA ANDREONIA cycling enthusiast-turned-activist wanted to make the perilous streets of São Paulo … Read more


Reducing Homicides

Special Report ENOUGH! Latin America’s Murder Epidemic Needs Urgent, Democratic Solutions Latin America’s murder epidemic has no easy fix. But there is reason for hope in the innovative – and in some cases, inspiring – work underway by researchers, activists, politicians and law enforcement officials. Curbing Homicide: What Works/What Doesn’t By BRENDAN O’BOYLEWhich policies have … Read more


Rebuilding Venezuela

Special Report Meet 10 People Who Will (One Day) Rebuild Venezuela Rebuilding Venezuela will require a diverse mix of people with great talent and realistic goals. This issue profiles 10 of them – and takes a hard look at the challenges ahead. The Politician: David Smolansky By BRIAN WINTERExiled in Washington, the 32-year-old David Smolansky … Read more


Latin America First?

Special Report Time for a Cleanup Corruption will be the defining issue in Latin America’s 2018 elections. Anti-establishment nationalists like Jair Bolsonaro and Andrés Manuel López Obrador stand to benefit – unless more moderate candidates also embrace the cause.    System Failure: Behind the Rise of Jair Bolsonaro By BRIAN WINTERHow a retired Army captain rose … Read more


Colombia’s Challenge

Special Report Colombia’s Challenge: A Special Report AQ‘s latest issue looks at how Colombia can consolidate peace – and ensure prosperity for more of its citizens. Rebirth, or Relapse? Colombia Hits a Post-War Turning Point. By JOHN OTISNew economic opportunities are creeping into Colombia’s troubled countryside. More are needed to help keep the peace. Who’s … Read more


Latin American Youth

Great Expectations: What’s It Like to Be 18 in Latin America? by Juliana Barbassa and Brian Winter In AQ’s new issue, our special report on a generation that wants it all – but may struggle to achieve it. Full text available. Today’s Latin American Dream: A Decent Job by Brandee McHale and Azita Berar Awad … Read more

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